Lords of the Underground: House of Lords

Lords of the Underground: House of Lords
  1. "Intro"- 0:44
  2. "I Love Hip Hop"- 3:14
  3. "Fab 3"- 3:22
  4. "English Mami"- 3:38
  5. "Yes Were Fresh"- 3:20
  6. "Belly of the Beast"- 3:53
  7. "Hum It Out"- 3:22
  8. "Slick Talk"- 3:25
  9. "Say My Name"- 3:54
  10. "No Pass"- 2:37
  11. "To Love Me"- 4:02
  12. "The Clinic"- 3:32
  13. "Certified"- 2:47
  14. "What Yall Wanna Know"- 3:26
  15. "What Is an MC"- 3:21
  16. "Remember Me"- 3:39
  • Dodał: BeretH_
  • Zakceptowany: 21.08.11
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 21.08.11

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