Cypress Hill : Cypress Hill

Cypress Hill : Cypress Hill
  1. "Pigs"
  2. "How I Could Just Kill A Man"
  3. "Hand on the Pump"
  4. "Hole in the Head"
  5. "Ultraviolet Dreams"
  6. "Light Another"
  7. "The Phuncky Feel One"
  8. "Break It Up"
  9. "Real Estate"
  10. "Stoned Is The Way Of The Walk"
  11. "Psycobetabuckdown"
  12. "Something For The Blunted"
  13. "Latin Lingo"
  14. "The Funky Cypress Hill shit"
  15. "Tres Equis"
  16. "Born To Get Busy"
Kategoria: hip hop,
Tagi: cypress hill
  • Dodał: BeretH_
  • Zakceptowany: 04.09.11
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 04.09.11

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