Cypress Hill: Black Sunday

Cypress Hill: Black Sunday
  1. "I Wanna Get High"
  2. "I Ain't Goin' Out Like That"
  3. "Insane In The Brain"
  4. "When The Shit Goes Down"
  5. "Lick A Shot"
  6. "Cock The Hammer"
  7. "Interlude"
  8. "Lil' Putos"
  9. "Legalize It"
  10. "Hits From The Bong"
  11. "What Go Around Come Around, Kid"
  12. "A To The K"
  13. "Hand On The Glock"
  14. "Break 'Em Off Some"
Kategoria: hip hop,
Tagi: cypress hill
  • Dodał: BeretH_
  • Zakceptowany: 04.09.11
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 04.09.11

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