For POWERMOVES VOL #3 Leave a comment with a video to put it into the next video :) Peace Video's from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgywwEK-SOY&list=PL35F4AAE882A24369&feature=plpp_play_all POWERMOVES 2012 bboy cico breakdance powermove power move samim chriszs reckless lost kidz oxygen b-battle clil lilg lil g lil-g spinkings kaku mortal kombat anuannakis canaction prodigy inspiration mescaline warrior's dance petair blue backflip airchair flare windmill insane powermoves best crazy battle break crew " kaku cico tim ryanimay conferido victor kim d-trix quest crew 7 commandoz driffterz jinjo terror bunch footzbeul freakshow pokemon melting force raf crew Tricks

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