Teledysk: Jay Z "In My Lifetime"

See Music Videos that you CAN'T See on You Tube! even some X RATED music videos! +Live Chat and Embed video codes. Embodying the rags-to-riches rap dream, Jay-Z pulled himself up by his bootstraps as a youth to eventually become the reigning rapper of New York City and, in turn, a major-label executive following his short-lived retirement from music-making. In the wake of his 1996 debut, Reasonable Doubt, Jay-Z's albums sold millions upon millions with each release, and his endless parade of hits made him omnipresent on urban radio and video television. He retained a strongly devoted fan base and challenged whatever rivals attempted to oust him from atop the rap game, sparing most memorably with Nas. Jay-Z and his Roc-a-Fella associates greatly influenced the industry and established many of the trends that pervaded during the late '90s and early 2000s.

  • Dodał: BeretH_
  • Zakceptowany: 08.05.12
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 08.05.12

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